Education to Empower

Helping you be in tune with your body


Studying my nutrition degree was an eye-opening experience for me

There were many ‘ah-ha’ moments as I learnt more and more about the human body, the interconnectedness of each body system and the processes that occur in them. To then learn just how nutrients can influence those processes, was both fascinating and empowering.

I quickly realised that, when it comes to our health, knowledge really is power.

A nutritional consultation can benefit almost anyone. From feeling a little off-balance, to dealing with ongoing chronic illnesses, everyone can do with a little nurturing.

I’m passionate about educating others and empowering you to really know your body and what makes it tick.

Understanding how our bodies work and how we can positively influence our health, is one of the most important steps we can take to gaining control of our wellbeing and achieving our health goals.

Your individual consultations of course, give you the opportunity to learn, however you can also find information on a range of topics in my Blog, Resources page and Facebook page.

Keep an eye out for educational workshops, including corporate lunch & learn sessions… coming soon!
