Individual consultations

Personalised Nurturing


These are your opportunity to gain personalised nurturing and support in a private one-on-one setting.

Begin with a complimentary 15-minute Discovery Call where you can get to know me and a little more about how a nutritionist works. At this session, I will outline how my consultations work and answer questions you may have about nutritional treatment.

We can then schedule your longer initial consultation where we get into the nitty gritty of why you have come to see me and take an in-depth look at your health and health goals.

A nutritional consultation can benefit almost anyone. From feeling a little off-balance, to dealing with ongoing chronic illnesses, everyone can do with a little nurturing.

Initial consultation (approx. 1 hour)

At your initial consultation, we will take an in-depth look at your reasons for coming to see me, your health history and health goals. I will undertake a holistic assessment of your current health and health history to help determine causes and correlations of any symptoms.

We will look at your physical, mental and emotional health, your current diet, eating habits and lifestyle practices. Once I have an overall picture, we can then look at putting together a treatment plan including nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to help you optimise your health.

I encourage you to bring along any pathology results you may have from the past 6 months to this consultation, as these can help tell me more about your health and possible areas needing attention. Depending on your presenting issues, I may ask you to undertake further pathology or functional testing to help me gain a better understanding.

Follow up consultation (approx. 30-45 minutes)

This shorter consultation, usually 2-4 weeks after your initial consultation, is designed for us to check in on how you’re feeling, see how you are going with implementing changes, review any pathology results ordered in the initial consultation, and tweak your treatment plan if necessary.

Your follow up consultation is also a chance for you to ask any questions that you may have since our initial consultation.

Depending on your situation and health goals, you may need a few follow up consultations to help you on your journey to better health.

Having trouble making time? Consultations are available in-clinic, or via Zoom or phone.